Barney’s World is a colorful, educational TV series that has been a beloved part of many childhoods. The show, featuring Barney the purple dinosaur, his friends, and their delightful adventures, is designed to teach children valuable lessons about friendship, kindness, and learning through song, dance, and play. Barney’s World encourages kids to explore the world around them in a fun and interactive way, making it a timeless classic for young audiences.
For even more fun with educational characters, explore our Teletubbies coloring pages for bright and playful designs. Kids who love caring for others will enjoy our Doc McStuffins coloring pages, or you can join Elmo and friends with our Elmo coloring pages.
If you’re a fan of Sesame Street, check out our Sesame Street coloring pages for more beloved characters and scenes.
Let your imagination roam free and bring Barney’s colorful world to life with these fun and educational coloring pages!
- Baby Bop and Barney Roller Skating
- Barney and Baby Bop Christmas
- Barney and BJ
- Barney and Friends
- Barney and Friends Picnic
- Barney and Riff
- Barney Birthday Party
- Barney
- Barney Dancing with Friends
- Barney Halloween
- Barney Picnic
- Barney playing Guitar
- Barney Reading to Baby Bop
- Barney Singing
- Barney Valentine’s Day
- Barney with Animals
- Barney with Baby Bop
- Barney's World Adventure
- Barney's World Cartoon
- Barney's World Creative